SEPTEMBER ENERGY REPORT: Compassion is our human duty

By Rebecca Conran CHHC

To say this month packs a punch is an understatement. Tensions will rise, conflict will reach a boiling point. Something will change for each of us, and our duty to healing will be on the forefront. This is not an easy month and it will echo through the end of the year. Absolutely anything is possible, for better or worse. Collectively things will be messy, but individually there is opportunity to have our expectations exceeded when we let the creative force of the universe co-create with us. 

Each of us has inherited some semblance of supremacy ideology, some from our families of origin, some ancestrally - whether that be due to our religion, ethnicity, or intellectual capacity. Supremacy ideation is the idea that one person holds more worth or value than another. Being raised in the orthodox christian Jehovah's Witness religion, I was taught that I was one of God's chosen people, more righteous than other non-believers. This of course was not based on any reality, it was based on ideas that control and separate us from each other. I had to un-do this belief system within myself, I had to change to become a humanitarian. This ideation we see in nearly every major religion on earth, and that's just counting spirituality. Add in the layers of supremacy caused by the incorrect view that there can be different species of humans rather than ethnicities, and we have a world full of scared and insecure people who won’t accept that we are all the same. We have the same desires, the same needs. The human race is one race, each of whom, no matter their preferences or opinions, is equally worthy of dignity and having their needs met. 

At this time we are asked to undo the centuries of false teachings we have absorbed to create a world in real time that is evolved in our humanity. You may very well be smarter or more empathetic than your neighbor, but that makes your neighbor no less worthy of a life that is honored than you. In order to create unity with others, we must create unity internally. Finding all the places we don’t allow compassion or love for ourselves to be seen clearly, then rising to our duty to care for and evolve these places. This is the season of service to healing.

SEPT 1: Uranus stations retrograde 

The great awakener is on the loose. The Uranus Retrograde transit marks a period of major change, one that will bring about more personal freedom. Freedom doesn’t have to be a physical thing, perhaps it’s mental or emotional. This retrograde serves us by releasing us from false security so that we have the inner security to step into a more authentic and loving version of ourselves. 

One of the qualities that doesn’t get talked about much in regards to Uranus is its amazing intuitive capabilities. This is the type of intuition that is meant to cut to the core of something, it’s the ultimate deep knowing without emotional attachment. Albert Einstein was a great scientist because he was able to not only think in scientific terms, but also take great creative intuitive leaps too. He trusted his intuition, and then figured out the method to prove it. This is true genius, not just stumbling across innovation - being a visionary. Holding a particular focus and searching for the clues to make it a proven reality. Many of us have had visions of a collaborative future. Figuring out how that will manifest in reality can be frustrating and overwhelming, and patience in building our vision takes much fortitude. Taurus, the sign of Uranus currently, has the strength to build a strong new foundation. Now is not a time to give up on our dreams but it is time to give up on old external security systems that keep us trapped in stagnation. 

Uranus entered into Taurus in 2018, and will stay in this consciousness until 2026. The last stint in this sign was 84 years ago. Uranus in Taurus has brought a lot of discord because Uranus and Taurus energies are so different, but it’s brought an immense amount of enlightenment too. Taurus is security conscious, and it can be very resourceful indeed, but conversely can be extremely greedy and miserly. Of course we see both sides of this energy manifested, through both the advocate for our earth, environment and humanity and then juxtaposed, through insane wealth, land and resource hoarding in our world - and even genocide for luxury real estate. Our sense of security on all levels is being tested at this time. If we have put our sense of wellbeing and safety in a person, job or home - those areas have probably gone through a massive shakeup. 

Taurus has a hard time letting go, tolerating change, and it wants to move slowly. Uranus is the complete opposite, so during this time we may feel as though we are being punted through changes that are difficult to make. Let go or be dragged! This is a time to make friends with change and disruption because it's here and it’s happening. Amongst all this shifting is also true enlightenment and a deepening of faith in oneself. When you free yourself, you also lighten your load and allow for more love to reach you. Try to see the wisdom in all that is happening for you as well as nurturing the inner child who feels scared. Your presence is the safety that child needs. 

SEPT 2: Virgo New Moon + Pluto retrograde re-enters Capricorn 

Virgo rules health and hygiene, our blessings can only align with our vibration when we also bless ourselves with care. The creative force of the universe can only match our own creative frequency. The degree of this moon asks us to consider our self-judgment and return to a simpler, more innocent view of ourselves and the world. A return to basic human values is in order for all of us, but not the values of an older age, the values of the innocence of children. All humans need rest, play, nourishment, encouragement. The same core needs we had as children we still have, how can we align our lives with meeting those needs? 

Now for Pluto. When a planet changes signs, it is definitely a catalyst time for us individually and collectively. The week before and after this shift we will feel the presence of Pluto directly in our lives. The purpose of retrogrades is to dive inside. This retrograde is marked by purging doubt. Doubt clouds our judgment, it makes us mistrust our gut knowing. We are each at a crossroads, how do you stay with yourself, while also noticing the aspects of you that work against you?  This re-entry into Capricorn wants us to work with our inner doubt in real time. Healing is not about eradicating patterns, it is about being in our conscious choice. When you feel doubt, notice that doubt, consider it, but move through it. We have many months to work on this deep dive, more will be revealed.  

SEPT 5: Mars enters Cancer 

Mars is warrior fuel, it’s the energy to exert outwardly, to be active, to protect, to fight, and it’s our primal sexuality. Cancer is the fiercely protective and nurturing mother. However, this placement is not the easiest for the collective. Instead of being direct and assertive we can be manipulative or side step necessary actions, we may fear conflict, or we may wrongly take on the problems of others. We may have poor boundaries, instead of removing ourselves from toxic situations. Co-dependency can be greater during this time. 

Using this energy wisely would be celebrating the time you have with people you care about and being passionate about protecting those who need an ally. There is a greater focus on family, children, home, and safety during this transit. This is a wonderful time to nurture & be nurtured - but first of all nurture the self. Watch for mothering without mutual exchange, we are not anyone else’s savior, we are their example. Help only when given permission, and when helping does not take away someone else's power to help themselves. This is a wonderful time to work on interdependence.

SEPT 8: Pallas enters Sagittarius 

In astrology, the asteroid Pallas represents how we combine the use of our physical minds with the infinite wisdom of our spirit. Pallas usually spends about 3-4 months in each sign, and although I don’t mention asteroids often in my writing, this transit feels extremely helpful for our current experience. Sagittarius helps us to expand our horizons to include other cultures, adventures and philosophies. This sign really brings out our inner knowing regarding our personal spirituality. We can think big here, and imagine greater potentials. Where does sagittarius fall in your birth chart? What planets are there? This is the area where you can make the most strides in problem solving at this time. 

SEPT 10: Mercury re-enters Virgo 

We’ve been here before, on July 25th to be exact. We went over these degrees, then we experienced a retrograde backwards, now we are moving forward once again. What has changed for you in your mental landscape in the last seven weeks? This is an excellent placement for organizing our thoughts and getting clear mentally about goals and next steps. Take stock of how your perspective has shifted, and focus on bringing behaviors into alignment with these new ideas

SEPT 14: Moon conjunct Pluto 

Think of this day as emotional tension that comes up to push us to create boundaries and make changes that we are destined to make. This is a Karmic day, you are in the right place at the right time, the more you sink into the ‘rightness’ of your personal journey you will also harness your future. Watch what is going on today, in your own life and in the public forum for clues as to changes that will come about over the next few months. 

SEPT 17: Pisces Lunar Eclipse

Full Moons are emotional, in Pisces, they are overwhelmingly foggy. The degree of this Full Moon is asking a lot of us. It asks us to see what we are rejecting in the world and to grow in forgiveness. That can seem impossible when routinely we see others engage in evilness and cruelty that we cannot abide let alone forgive. We are the ones swallowing the poison however, we are the ones suffering in the vibration of immorality created by others, allowing others to hold power over our psyche. This Full Moon is asking us to take our power back, our power lies in the strength of our vulnerability and compassion. You are the light, and you are the way. Shine on, take up space, let your energy of love be the pervasive vibration around you eclipsing the darkness. 

Neptune, the great ego dissolver is currently moving through the 29th degree of Pisces, and as such we are all collectively and individually deep diving through our subconscious. We are either in awareness of this and consciously choosing to heal the dark matter of the soul, or we are in denial and using any self medication possible to numb out this very important self-work. Virgo is opposite Pisces in the zodiac. When a sign is opposite another sign, tension is created. Under the themes of Pisces the tension serves us to become aware that we are all connected, we are one breathing life force. As such, we have a duty to one another and through self compassion we attain oneness. If there's one thing that Virgo understands, it’s responsibility and duty. At this time we can tune into the service we must offer to our own healing and to our collective consciousness. 

SEPT 23: Sun enters Libra (Fall Equinox) + Venus square Pluto 

Happy Birthday Libra! And happy fall to all of those in the northern hemisphere. Our collective identity is now working on its relationship to ‘other’ and hopefully beginning a new cycle with new relationships that feel more aligned to us. The Sun, our ego, will-power, vitality and identity in the sign of the elegant diplomat. Our energies are now directed towards our interpersonal relationships, many of you may have been feeling the call to connect more socially or reconnect romantically recently and this is the season to practice these themes. 

At this time we can harmonize opposing energies and ideas. Libra will help us to align as a group more with our intellect, fairness, kindness and impartiality. As this marks the changing of the seasons, this is an important day for ritual and spiritual connection. Set your intentions, be in your choice. 

Libra season is the season of beauty, and is a great time to focus on aesthetics as a way to bring more joy and pleasure into our lives. Beauty is a necessary tool of balance at times, we can’t just be looking at the violence of life, we also need to see the glory of creation too. This is a season of harvesting, what you will reap will depend on the seeds you’ve sown. Seeds of love will reap love and so on. You always have the opportunity to change course and focus on the highest perspectives life has to offer. When we are out of balance life brings us back by counteracting our own behaviors. So if we have been sowing seeds of self abuse, we may hit a wall physically, emotionally or mentally where we have no other choice but to clean it up. In our relationship with life look for win/win solutions and fairness for all.

SEPT 24: Venus enters Scorpio 

Scorpio is more at home on Mars than Venus, so in some respects the god of war is substitute teaching for the goddess of beauty. Obviously, these two have different agendas and ways of doing things. Scorpio wants what it wants and will stop at nothing to achieve its desires. That’s helpful for an action oriented energy like Mars, but can be disruptive when in a receptive place that needs to stay open and flexible like Venus.

This transit is wonderful for going deeper emotionally, for having the willpower to commit and to formulate true intimacy through vulnerability in relationships. That is something we will feel pushed to do, while also being even more afraid to reveal ourselves! There is more to gain right now with our self worth, but it comes at the cost of feeling deeper fears. There are secrets that we all keep, things that we think are not lovable about us, that we feel afraid to reveal to others so we hide under false facades or we hide under instant gratification and pleasure seeking. We must reveal these secrets to ourselves first and foremost, and be willing to be truly intimate and vulnerable with ourselves so that we can re-parent properly as well as releasing the false modes of comfort we have become attached to. 

Scorpio can highlight obsessions and addictions of all kinds. Behaviors that hinder our opportunities for romance, money and self-confidence are more apparent at this time. As we travel through Scorpio, bring these qualities to light and shine deep compassion upon them. This is a great time to commit to therapy or a deeper look at psychological issues. Also, Scorpio does bring good money energy into the mix I find! Commit to your healing and create more opportunities for financial success in your life. 

SEPT 27: Mercury enters Libra

When our mind/thoughts and speech (Mercury) is in Libra we are apt to be more diplomatic and sensitive in our communication. It’s great for collaboration and compromise. It’s terrible at making decisions however. We can feel stuck on the fence between decisions, not realizing that it’s our divine right to choose again should the choice we have made not feel right. You have infinite chances to choose again. There can be a lot of humming and hawing with this placement, although it does bring a more loving, beautifying, romantic and diplomatic approach to communication. Use this time to build bridges and to bring harmony. Use language as a tool of love, saying loving words to self, working on loving communication with others. 

This dynamic month will bring about change, the more we can accept that and release false security the more we can rely on our inner authority and power to move through whatever life throws our way. There is strength in freeing yourself, and there is power in your love. 

Each energy season touches us in a unique area of our lives. We each have every zodiac sign somewhere in our personal astrology. This report looks at the collective themes or “mundane astrology” that will mark this period. If you are interested in learning more about your own astrology, a one-on-one session may be for you.

REBECCA CONRAN CHHC is a Life Coach, Astrologer & Energy Healing Practitioner known for her practical approach to mysticism.


